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NonStandard File
Volume Number:7
Issue Number:4
Column Tag:Pascal Forum

Related Info: File Manager Standard File

Non-Standard File Dialogs

By Steven Sheets, Herndon, VA

Note: Source code files accompanying article are located on MacTech CD-ROM or source code disks.

Non-Standard File Unit

The SFGetFile and SFPutFile routines are two of the most commonly used calls in the Macintosh. All programmers need methods to select files (old or new ones) from inside their programs. Only old non-Mac programmers and users really appreciate how much Apple improved the user interface by standardizing this file selection process. However, Apple does not have a monopoly on good user interface ideas. Recently, newer programs have improved the Get and Put dialogs. While these new dialogs have the same functionality as the old ones, they have useful enhancements.

The code provided in this article shows how to create enhanced get and put dialogs. The unit NonStandardFile contains four procedures which demonstrate this. The program NonStandardFileTest shows how to use these routines.


The Non-Standard File Put procedure is the first routine provided in the Non-Standard File Unit. This procedure, and all other procedures explained in this article, are passed input parameters (passed by value) and return the output parameters (passed as VAR parameter). NSPutFile contains two input parameters (strings thePrompt and theOrigName) and 3 output parameters (boolean theGood, integer theRefNum and string theFileName). ThePrompt is the prompt that appears in the dialog, and theOrigName is the name that initially appears in the editable text field. If the user selects a file name (pressing the Save button or the return key), theGood flag returns TRUE, while the file name and the volume reference number is in theRefNum and theFileName parameters. If the user selects cancel, theGood returns FALSE.

This is the simplest example of using the SFPPutFile ROM call instead of the normal SFPutFile ROM call. I always find that the prompt portion of a normal SFPutFile is much too short to hold any meaningful information. The NSPutFile procedure provides an modified Put dialog, identical to a normal Put dialog, except the prompt text item is physically expanded (longer and 2 lines high). The routine does this by using a Dialog template resource and a Dialog Item List resource that are almost identical the the normal resources (stored at ID number -3999). The only difference in the resources is that the prompt field is larger. The SFPPutFile call that NSPutFile uses is passed the ID number of this modified dialog. Other than having a different layout, the dialog functions identical to the standard form. It is important to note that whenever a dialog item list is modified, all of the standard items are in the identical order (this is important for the SFPPutFile call). New items can be added to the end of the list (following calls are examples of this), but the original items must still exist.


The Non-Standard Selection Put File procedure is the first example of a more intelligent Put dialog. This procedure places a Put dialog on the screen that contains, besides the normal features, 2 buttons to indicate if the user wants to save the entire document or only the selected portion of the document. The procedure is passed 3 input parameters (strings thePrompt, theSelectPrompt, theOrigName) and 4 output parameters (boolean theGood, integer theRefNum, string theFileName, Boolean theFlag). As before, theOrigName is the initial name of the file, while theGood flag returns TRUE if the user selects a file (with theRefNum and theFileName containing the volume reference number and file name selected). However, the routine passes 2 prompt strings, thePrompt and theSelectPrompt. How the button is set affects the appearance of the prompt. If the Document button is set, thePrompt string is displayed in the dialog. If the Selection button is set, theSelectPrompt string is displayed. If at any time, the user changes the button settings, the prompt also changes. If the user selects a file with the Selection button set, theFlag parameter returns TRUE. If he selected a file with the Document button set, theFlag returns FALSE. Having the Document button selected is the initial state of the dialog.

The NSSelectPutFile procedure is very useful when working with documents that can be saved as a whole or saved in portions. For example, a drawing program that allows the user to select various graphical objects on the screen could use this procedure. When the user selects Save from the menu, he can save the entire document, or he can save the selected drawing objects.

Similar to NSPutFile, NSSelectPutFile uses SFPPutFile ROM call in order to use a modified Dialog template and Dialog Item List. However, this list has additional items on it, namely the Document and Selection buttons. The SFPPutFile call also passes a dlogHook routine, NSSelectPutDlg. A dlogHook routine is called by the SFPPutFile call immediately after calling ModalDialog. The dlogHook routine is passed the item number returned by ModalDialog, as well as a pointer to the dialog record. All dlogHook routines (as well as File Filter routines and UserItem routines) need to be declared global to the unit.

The NSSelectPutDlg has two purposes. The first time it is called, the correct prompt is placed in the window and the Document and Selection buttons are set appropriately. After that, the routine scans item events to check if the user has selected either button. If he has, the new prompt is placed in the dialog and the buttons checked appropriately. Also, the item number is set to 100, indicating nothing else needs to be done for this event.


The Non-Standard Icon Put File procedure is one of the best new user interfaces I have seen on the Macintosh. This routine should be used in a program where a document can be saved as more than one file type. When this routine is used, the desktop icons of the file formats to which the document can be saved are shown.

NSIconPutFile allows up to 4 different file formats (icons). The parameters reflect this. NSIconPutFile is passed 14 input parameters (string theOrigName, integer theDefaultNum, handles theIcon1, theIcon2, theIcon3, theIcon4 and strings theName1, theName2, theName3, theName4, thePrompt1, thePrompt2, thePrompt3, and thePrompt4) and passed 4 output parameters (Boolean theGood, integer theRefNum, string theFileName, integer theNum). TheOrigName, theGood, theRefNum and theFileName are all used identically to the previously explained Non-Standard Put File calls. TheIcon parameters should contain up to 4 icon handles. Each handle should contain 256 byte of information of the ‘ICN#” resource format (32 bit by 32 bit image, 128 bytes of image, 128 bytes of mask). Usually, this is the actual ‘ICN#’ resource that is stored in the application (but it does not have to be). Passing NIL in one of the parameter handles indicates that a particular icon position is not used. For example, if only 3 icons need to be displayed, the last handle should be passed as NIL. TheDefaultNum parameter indicates which icon should be initially set. TheName strings are the titles of the icons (which will appear under the icon), while thePrompt strings are the prompt that will appear when that associated icon is selected. Usually the icon titles are the name of that file type (ie. Text, MacPaint, MacWrite), but this does not have to be the case.

Again imagine this routine is used by a graphic program, but in this case the program is a paint program. The document might be able to be saved as a MacPaint file, or as a StartUp Screen file or as some proprietary file format. Instead of using buttons, the user selects the format he wants by selecting the actual icon. He is used to seeing this icon on the desktop, and associating it with that type of file.

NSIconPutFile uses a number of hooks to function. First the routine calls SFPPutFile in order to use a Dialog template and Dialog item list that have 6 new UserItems on it. Like NSSelectPutFile, NSIconPutFile has a dlogHook routine, NSIconPutDlg. The first time through, NSIconPutDlg sets the prompt and sets the UserItem routine of the 4 new dialog items to NSIconItem. A UserItem routine is a graphic routine that draws some special user interface in a dialog. In this case, NSIconItem draws the 4 icons, with titles and hiliting. NSIconPutDlg handles the mouse down events on the icon. Selecting a previously unselected icon activates the icon, which consists of unhiliting old icon, hiliting new one and setting new prompt.


The Non Standard Get File is an example of a modification of the Get File Dialog. This routine should be used in applications that can open 2 or more different types of documents. NSGetFile displays a Get File dialog that contains, along with the normal features, a Popup menu that indicates what file types the routine is currently viewing. The default setting is all documents; all documents of the types passed to the routine will be shown in the dialog. However, the user can select the Popup menu and change the settings so that only 1 type can be viewed.

NSGetFile is passed 4 input parameters (string thePrompt, integer theNumTypes, pointers theTypeListPtr and theNameListPtr) and passes back 4 output parameters (Boolean theGood, integer theRefNum, string theFileName, OStype theType).

This routine is written slightly differently than the NSPutFile procedures. NSGetFile was written so that there is no upper limit to the number of different file types that can be viewed by the dialog. Instead of passing the individual file types and file type name as parameters to the routine, all the file types and all the file names are stored in an array before NSGetFile is called. Then pointers to these two arrays are passed to NSGetFile as parameters. TheNumTypes parameter is the number of different file types the routine can display in the dialog. ThePrompt is the prompt that is displayed on the dialog.

If the user selects a file, theGood is returned TRUE. In this case, theRefNum contains the volume reference number, theFileName contains the file’s name, and theType returns the file’s OStype. If the user selects cancel, theGood returns FALSE.

Just as SFPPutfile ROM call is an variation of the SFPutfile call, there is a SFPGetFile ROM call that provides expanded functionality in comparison to the normal SFGetFile call. In NSGetFile, the SFPGetFile call is passed the ID number of a Dialog template resource and Dialog item list resource that is almost identical to the standard SFGetFile resources (stored at ID -4000). The modified resources contain a text item (for the prompt) and an UserItem (for the Popup menu). The SFPGetFile call is also passed a Dialog hook routine, NSGetDlg. As in the previous examples, the first thing NSGetDlg does is set the prompt and set the UserItem to the NSPopUpItem procedure. NSPopUpItem displays the graphics for a Popup menu. NSGetDlg also takes care of handling the Popup (using call to PopUpMenuSelect) when a user selects the item. The SFPGetFile call is also passed a File Filter routine, NSGetFileFilter. NSGetFileFilter decides which files are displayed in the dialog. Depending on the setting of the Popup menu, the routine either allows only a single type of file to be viewed, or it allows all the types of files it knows about to be viewed. Notice that if a user selects a new setting on the Popup menu, NSGetDlg sets the event item number to 101. This tells the SFPGetFile ROM call to redraw the dialog from scratch, which it does using the NGSGetFileFilter (possibly displaying a new group of files).


Hopefully these routines should be easy to modify for your own use. NSIconPutFile could be rewritten to handle more than 4 file types. NSGetFile could be modified to use a simpler parameter method when you know exactly which file types your program can open. NSGetFile could also be modified to use icons instead of a Popup menu. The application I wrote NSGetFile for could read a variable number of file types (depending on configuration of program) that had no upper limits.

All routines could be rewritten so as not to use so much global parameter data. Instead, the global type of data could be stored in a temporary handle. As the start of the routine, the handle is allocated, and the values plugged in. Then this handle is stored in the reference value of the dialog (remember a dialog is a window). This is a location that all the dlogHook, fileFilter and UserItem routines can access. Just before the main routine is done, the handle can be disposed of.

While this method does use less global space, for simplicity and ease of understanding, I stuck with global variables. If you were to use the routine with something that does not have global variables (FKEYs, Drivers, DAs), you might have to use that method.

If anyone comes up with other interesting user interfaces, I would love to see them. I can be contacted on Applelink (SHEETS1) or America Online (Mage Steve).

Listing:  NonStandardFile.p

{Non-Standard File Unit}
{Created by Steve Sheets}
{Provides 4 different new user interfaces for}
{the Get & Put dialogs.}

unit NonStandardFile;


 SFTypeListPtr = ^SFTypeList;

 StrArray = array[1..1] of Str255;
 StrArrayPtr = ^StrArray;

{Four new Put & Get File Routines}
 procedure NSPutFile (thePrompt, theOrigName: Str255;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255);

 procedure NSSelectPutFile (thePrompt, theSelectPrompt, theOrigName: 
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theFlag: BOOLEAN);

 procedure NSIconPutFile (theOrigName: Str255;
 theDefaultNum: INTEGER;
 theIcon1, theIcon2, theIcon3, theIcon4: Handle;
 theName1, theName2, theName3, theName4: Str255;
 thePrompt1, thePrompt2, 
 thePrompt3, thePrompt4: Str255;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theNum: INTEGER);

 procedure NSGetFile (thePrompt: Str255;
 theNumTypes: INTEGER;
 theTypeListPtr: SFTypeListPtr;
 theNameListPtr: StrArrayPtr;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theType: OSType);

{External references to these procedures.}
{Do not call them outside this unit}

 function NSSelectPutDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;

 procedure NSIconItem (theWindow: WindowPtr;
 itemNo: INTEGER);

 function NSIconPutDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;

 procedure NSPopUpItem (theWindow: WindowPtr;
 itemNo: INTEGER);

 function NSGetFileFilter (paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr): BOOLEAN;

 function NSGetDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;

 kNSGetID = 500;
 kNSPutID = 501;
 kNSSelectPutID = 502;
 kNSIconPutID = 503;

 kGetPopUpID = 254;
 kGetPopUpItem = 11;
 kGetPopUpPrompt = 12;

 kPutPrompt = 3;
 kPutNoSelectSwitch = 9;
 kPutSelectSwitch = 10;
 kPutIcon1 = 9;

 kMaxIcons = 4;

 IconStrPtrArray = array[1..kMaxIcons] of StringPtr;

 gNSCurNum, gNSMaxNum: INTEGER;
 gNSTypeListPtr: SFTypeListPtr;
 gNSPromptListPtr: IconStrPtrArray;
 gNSNameListPtr: IconStrPtrArray;
 gNSFirst, gNSSelect: BOOLEAN;
 gNSMenuHdl: MenuHandle;
 gNSBoxs: array[1..kMaxIcons] of Rect;
 gNSIcons: array[1..kMaxIcons] of Handle;
 gNSPrompt, gNSAltPrompt: Str255;


{NSPutFile routines}
 procedure NSPutFile (thePrompt, theOrigName: Str255;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255);
 tempPt: Point;
 tempReply: SFReply;
 tempPt.v := 40;
 tempPt.h := 60;
 theGood := FALSE;

 SFPPutFile(tempPt, thePrompt, theOrigName, nil, tempReply, kNSPutID, 

 with tempReply do
 if good then
 theGood := TRUE;
 theRefNum := vRefNum;
 theFileName := fName;

{NSSelectPutFile routines}
 function NSSelectPutDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;

 procedure SetPrompt;
 tempNum, tempV1, tempV2: INTEGER;
 tempHdl: Handle;
 tempRect: Rect;
 GetDItem(theDialog, kPutPrompt, tempNum, tempHdl, tempRect);
 if tempHdl <> nil then
 if gNSSelect then
 SetIText(tempHdl, gNSAltPrompt)
 SetIText(tempHdl, gNSPrompt);

 if gNSSelect then
 tempV1 := 0;
 tempV2 := 1;
 tempV1 := 1;
 tempV2 := 0;

 GetDItem(theDialog, kPutNoSelectSwitch, tempNum, tempHdl, tempRect);
 if tempHdl <> nil then
 SetCtlValue(ControlHandle(tempHdl), tempV1);
 GetDItem(theDialog, kPutSelectSwitch, tempNum, tempHdl, tempRect);
 if tempHdl <> nil then
 SetCtlValue(ControlHandle(tempHdl), tempV2);

 if gNSFirst then
 gNSFirst := FALSE;

 if item = kPutSelectSwitch then
 gNSSelect := TRUE;
 item := 100;
 else if item = kPutNoSelectSwitch then
 gNSSelect := FALSE;
 item := 100;

 NSSelectPutDlg := item;

 procedure NSSelectPutFile (thePrompt, theSelectPrompt, theOrigName: 
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theFlag: BOOLEAN);
 tempPt: Point;
 tempReply: SFReply;
 theGood := FALSE;

 tempPt.v := 40;
 tempPt.h := 60;

 gNSFirst := TRUE;
 gNSSelect := FALSE;
 gNSPrompt := thePrompt;
 gNSAltPrompt := theSelectPrompt;
 SFPPutFile(tempPt, thePrompt, theOrigName, @NSSelectPutDlg, tempReply, 
kNSSelectPutID, nil);

 with tempReply do
 if good then
 theGood := TRUE;
 theRefNum := vRefNum;
 theFileName := fName;
 theFlag := gNSSelect;

{NSIconPutFile routines}
 procedure DrawNSIcon (theNum: INTEGER;
 theHiliteFlag: BOOLEAN);
 tempBitMap: BitMap;
 tempPort: GrafPtr;
 tempRect, tempRect2: Rect;
 tempFont, tempSize, tempLen, tempCenter: INTEGER;
 if (theNum > 0) and (theNum <= kMaxIcons) then
 if gNSIcons[theNum] <> nil then

 with gNSBoxs[theNum] do
 tempCenter := ((right + left) div 2); := top;
 tempRect.bottom := top + 32;
 tempRect.left := tempCenter - 16;
 tempRect.right := tempRect.left + 32;

 PlotIcon(tempRect, gNSIcons[theNum]);

 if gNSNameListPtr[theNum]^ <> ‘’ then
 tempFont := tempPort^.txFont;
 tempSize := tempPort^.txSize;


 tempLen := StringWidth(gNSNameListPtr[theNum]^);
 with gNSBoxs[theNum] do
 begin := bottom - 14;
 tempRect2.bottom := bottom;
 tempRect2.left := tempCenter - (tempLen div 2) - 4;
 tempRect2.right := tempRect2.left + tempLen + 8;

 TextBox(POINTER(@gNSNameListPtr[theNum]^[1]), Length(gNSNameListPtr[theNum]^), 
tempRect2, teJustCenter);


 if theHiliteFlag then
 tempBitMap.baseaddr := POINTER(ORD4(gNSIcons[theNum]^) + $80);
 tempBitMap.rowbytes := 4;
 SetRect(tempBitMap.bounds, 0, 0, 32, 32);

 BitClr(Ptr($938), 0);
 CopyBits(tempBitMap, tempPort^.portBits, tempBitMap.bounds, tempRect, 
srcXor, nil);


 if gNSNameListPtr[theNum]^ <> ‘’ then
 BitClr(Ptr($938), 0);

 procedure NSIconItem (theWindow: WindowPtr;
 itemNo: INTEGER);
 itemNo := itemNo - kPutIcon1 + 1;
 if (itemNo >= 1) and (itemNo <= kMaxIcons) then
 DrawNSIcon(itemNo, itemNo = gNSCurNum);

 function NSIconPutDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;
 tempNum, tempCount: INTEGER;
 tempHdl: Handle;
 tempRect: Rect;

 procedure SetPrompt;
 GetDItem(theDialog, kPutPrompt, tempNum, tempHdl, tempRect);
 if tempHdl <> nil then
 SetIText(tempHdl, gNSPromptListPtr[gNSCurNum]^);

 if gNSFirst then

 for tempCount := 1 to kMaxIcons do
 GetDItem(theDialog, tempCount - 1 + kPutIcon1, tempNum, tempHdl, gNSBoxs[tempCount]);
 tempHdl := @NSIconItem;
 SetDItem(theDialog, tempCount - 1 + kPutIcon1, tempNum, tempHdl, gNSBoxs[tempCount]);

 gNSFirst := FALSE;

 tempNum := item - kPutIcon1 + 1;
 if (tempNum >= 1) and (tempNum <= kMaxIcons) then
 item := 100;
 if (gNSIcons[tempNum] <> nil) and (tempNum <> gNSCurNum) then
 DrawNSIcon(gNSCurNum, FALSE);
 DrawNSIcon(tempNum, TRUE);
 gNSCurNum := tempNum;

 NSIconPutDlg := item;

 procedure NSIconPutFile (theOrigName: Str255;
 theDefaultNum: INTEGER;
 theIcon1, theIcon2, theIcon3, theIcon4: Handle;
 theName1, theName2, theName3, theName4: Str255;
 thePrompt1, thePrompt2, thePrompt3, thePrompt4: Str255;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theNum: INTEGER);
 tempPt: Point;
 tempReply: SFReply;
 theGood := FALSE;

 if (theDefaultNum >= 1) and (theDefaultNum <= kMaxIcons) then
 tempPt.v := 40;
 tempPt.h := 60;

 gNSFirst := TRUE;
 gNSCurNum := theDefaultNum;
 gNSNameListPtr[1] := @theName1;
 gNSNameListPtr[2] := @theName2;
 gNSNameListPtr[3] := @theName3;
 gNSNameListPtr[4] := @theName4;
 gNSPromptListPtr[1] := @thePrompt1;
 gNSPromptListPtr[2] := @thePrompt2;
 gNSPromptListPtr[3] := @thePrompt3;
 gNSPromptListPtr[4] := @thePrompt4;
 gNSIcons[1] := theIcon1;
 gNSIcons[2] := theIcon2;
 gNSIcons[3] := theIcon3;
 gNSIcons[4] := theIcon4;

 SFPPutFile(tempPt, ‘’, theOrigName, @NSIconPutDlg, tempReply, kNSIconPutID, 

 with tempReply do
 if good then
 theGood := TRUE;
 theRefNum := vRefNum;
 theFileName := fName;
 theNum := gNSCurNum;

{NSGetFile routines}
 procedure DrawNSPopup;
 tempStr: Str255;
 MoveTo(gNSBoxs[1].left, gNSBoxs[1].bottom);
 LineTo(gNSBoxs[1].right, gNSBoxs[1].bottom);
 LineTo(gNSBoxs[1].right, gNSBoxs[1].top);

 MoveTo(gNSBoxs[1].left + 4, gNSBoxs[1].bottom - 6);
 if gNSCurNum = 0 then
 DrawString(‘All Files’)
 GetItem(gNSMenuHdl, gNSCurNum + 2, tempStr);

 procedure NSPopUpItem (theWindow: WindowPtr;
 itemNo: INTEGER);
 if itemNo = kGetPopUpItem then

 function NSGetFileFilter (paramBlock: ParmBlkPtr): BOOLEAN;
 tempFlag: BOOLEAN;
 tempType: OSType;
 tempCount: INTEGER;
 tempFlag := TRUE;

 tempType := paramBlock^.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType;
 if gNSCurNum = 0 then
 for tempCount := 0 to gNSMaxNum - 1 do
 if tempFlag then
 if gNSTypeListPtr^[tempCount] = tempType then
 tempFlag := FALSE;
 if gNSTypeListPtr^[gNSCurNum - 1] = tempType then
 tempFlag := FALSE;

 NSGetFileFilter := tempFlag;

 function NSGetDlg (item: INTEGER;
 theDialog: DialogPtr): INTEGER;
 tempType: INTEGER;
 tempHdl: Handle;
 tempNum, tempNewNum: INTEGER;
 tempLong: LongInt;
 tempRect: Rect;
 tempPt: Point;

 if gNSFirst then
 GetDItem(theDialog, kGetPopUpPrompt, tempNum, tempHdl, tempRect);
 if tempHdl <> nil then
 SetIText(tempHdl, gNSPrompt);

 GetDItem(theDialog, kGetPopUpItem, tempType, tempHdl, gNSBoxs[1]);
 tempHdl := @NSPopUpItem;
 SetDItem(theDialog, kGetPopUpItem, tempType, tempHdl, gNSBoxs[1]);
 with gNSBoxs[1] do
 bottom := bottom - 1;
 right := right - 1;
 gNSFirst := FALSE;

 if item = kGetPopUpItem then
 if gNSCurNum = 0 then
 tempNum := 1
 tempNum := gNSCurNum + 2;

 CheckItem(gNSMenuHdl, tempNum, TRUE);
 InsertMenu(gNSMenuHdl, -1);
 tempPt := gNSBoxs[1].topleft;
 BitClr(Ptr($938), 0);
 tempLong := PopUpMenuSelect(gNSMenuHdl, tempPt.v, tempPt.h, tempNum);
 BitClr(Ptr($938), 0);
 CheckItem(gNSMenuHdl, tempNum, FALSE);

 if tempLong <> 0 then
 tempNewNum := LoWord(tempLong);
 if tempNewNum <> tempNum then
 if tempNewNum = 1 then
 gNSCurNum := 0
 gNSCurNum := tempNewNum - 2;

 item := 101;

 NSGetDlg := item;

 procedure NSGetFile (thePrompt: Str255;
 theNumTypes: INTEGER;
 theTypeListPtr: SFTypeListPtr;
 theNameListPtr: StrArrayPtr;
 var theGood: BOOLEAN;
 var theRefNum: INTEGER;
 var theFileName: Str255;
 var theType: OSType);
 tempPt: Point;
 tempReply: SFReply;
 tempCount: INTEGER;
 theGood := FALSE;
 theRefNum := -1;
 theFileName := ‘’;
 theType := ‘    ‘;

 if (theNumTypes > 0) and (theTypeListPtr <> nil) then
 gNSCurNum := 0;
 gNSMaxNum := theNumTypes;
 gNSTypeListPtr := theTypeListPtr;
 gNSPrompt := thePrompt;
 gNSFirst := TRUE;
 gNSMenuHdl := NewMenu(kGetPopUpID, ‘NS’);
 AppendMenu(gNSMenuHdl, ‘All Files;(-’);
 for tempCount := 1 to theNumTypes do
 AppendMenu(gNSMenuHdl, theNameListPtr^[tempCount]);

 tempPt.v := 40;
 tempPt.h := 60;
 SFPGetFile(tempPt, ‘’, @NSGetFileFilter, theNumTypes, theTypeListPtr^, 
@NSGetDlg, tempReply, kNSGetID, nil);


 with tempReply do
 if good then
 theGood := TRUE;
 theRefNum := vRefNum;
 theFileName := fName;
 theType := fType;
Listing NonStandardFileTest.p

{Non-Standard File Test}
{Created by Steve Sheets}
{Examples of using NonStandardFile unit.}

program NonStandardFileTest;
 gGood: BOOLEAN;
 gRefNum: INTEGER;
 gFileName: Str255;
 gType: OSType;
 gTypeList: SFTypeList;
 gNameList: array[0..1] of Str255;
 gFlag: BOOLEAN;
 gIcon1, gIcon2, gIcon3: Handle;
 NSPutFile(‘Please enter the name of the file you wish to save:’, ‘File 
Name’, gGood, gRefNum, gFileName);

 NSSelectPutFile(‘Save copy of Document to disk:’, ‘Save copy of Selection 
to disk:’, ‘File Name’, gGood, gRefNum, gFileName, gFlag);

 gTypeList[0] := ‘TEXT’;
 gNameList[0] := ‘Text files’;
 gTypeList[1] := ‘PNTG’;
 gNameList[1] := ‘MacPaint files’;
 NSGetFile(‘Please select a file:’, 2, @gTypeList, @gNameList, gGood, 
gRefNum, gFileName, gType);

 gIcon1 := GetResource(‘ICN#’, 1000);
 gIcon2 := GetResource(‘ICN#’, 1001);
 gIcon3 := GetResource(‘ICN#’, 1002);
 NSIconPutFile(‘Name’, 1, gIcon1, gIcon2, gIcon3, nil, ‘MacPaint’, ‘Text’, 
‘PICT’, ‘’, ‘Save copy file to MacPaint document:’, ‘Save file as Text 
document:’, ‘Save copy file to PICT document:’, ‘’, gGood, gRefNum, gFileName, 
Listing:  NonStandardFile.r

#Non-Standard File Resources
#Created by Steve Sheets
#Provides 4 different new user interfaces for
#the Get & Put dialogs.
#This resource file contains resource needed
#for the Unit as well as the resources needed
#for the test program, Non-Standard File Test.
#Compile this file into resource file with command:
#Rez ‘NonStandard File.r’ -o ‘NonStandard File Resources’

#include “Types.r”

/* Dialog Template & Dialog item list resources */
/* required for the Unit. */

resource ‘DLOG’ (500, purgeable) {
 {0, 0, 256, 348},

resource ‘DLOG’ (501, purgeable) {
 {0, 0, 200, 304},

resource ‘DLOG’ (502, purgeable) {
 {0, 0, 220, 304},

resource ‘DLOG’ (503, purgeable) {
 {0, 0, 268, 304},

resource ‘DITL’ (500, purgeable) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 13 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {138, 256, 156, 336},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {0, 699, 80, 717},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {163, 256, 181, 336},
 Button {
 /* [4] */
 {39, 232, 59, 347},
 UserItem {
 /* [5] */
 {68, 256, 86, 336},
 Button {
 /* [6] */
 {93, 256, 111, 336},
 Button {
 /* [7] */
 {39, 12, 185, 230},
 UserItem {
 /* [8] */
 {39, 229, 185, 246},
 UserItem {
 /* [9] */
 {124, 252, 125, 340},
 UserItem {
 /* [10] */
 {0, 660, 101, 756},
 StaticText {
 /* [11] */
 {227, 62, 247, 246},
 UserItem {
 /* [12] */
 {200, 12, 218, 336},
 StaticText {
 /* [13] */
 {227, 12, 247, 61},
 StaticText {

resource ‘DITL’ (501, purgeable) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 8 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {132, 218, 150, 288},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {158, 218, 176, 288},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {136, 14, 168, 197},
 StaticText {
 “Save as:”
 /* [4] */
 {29, 198, 49, 302},
 UserItem {
 /* [5] */
 {56, 218, 74, 288},
 Button {
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 Button {
 /* [7] */
 {173, 17, 189, 194},
 EditText {
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 {29, 14, 127, 197},
 UserItem {

resource ‘DITL’ (502, purgeable) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 10 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {132, 218, 150, 288},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {158, 218, 176, 288},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {136, 14, 168, 197},
 StaticText {
 “Save as:”
 /* [4] */
 {29, 198, 49, 302},
 UserItem {
 /* [5] */
 {56, 218, 74, 288},
 Button {
 /* [6] */
 {82, 218, 100, 288},
 Button {
 /* [7] */
 {173, 17, 189, 194},
 EditText {
 /* [8] */
 {29, 14, 127, 197},
 UserItem {
 /* [9] */
 {199, 17, 217, 103},
 RadioButton {
 /* [10] */
 {199, 113, 217, 194},
 RadioButton {

resource ‘DITL’ (503, purgeable) {
 { /* array DITLarray: 12 elements */
 /* [1] */
 {132, 218, 150, 288},
 Button {
 /* [2] */
 {158, 218, 176, 288},
 Button {
 /* [3] */
 {136, 14, 168, 197},
 StaticText {
 “Save as:”
 /* [4] */
 {29, 198, 49, 302},
 UserItem {
 /* [5] */
 {56, 218, 74, 288},
 Button {
 /* [6] */
 {82, 218, 100, 288},
 Button {
 /* [7] */
 {173, 17, 189, 194},
 EditText {
 /* [8] */
 {29, 14, 127, 197},
 UserItem {
 /* [9] */
 {209, 10, 258, 81},
 UserItem {
 /* [10] */
 {209, 81, 258, 152},
 UserItem {
 /* [11] */
 {209, 152, 258, 223},
 UserItem {
 /* [12] */
 {209, 223, 258, 294},
 UserItem {

/* Icon resources (MacPaint, Text & PICT) used in */
/* the Test program with the NSGetFile call. */

resource ‘ICN#’ (1002) {
 { /* array: 2 elements */
 /* [1] */
 $”0F FF FE 00 08 00 03 00 08 00 02 80 08 00 02 40"
 $”08 00 02 20 08 00 02 10 08 7F C3 F8 08 40 40 08"
 $”08 40 40 08 08 40 40 08 08 40 40 08 08 40 78 08"
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 $”08 04 01 08 08 04 01 08 08 02 02 08 08 01 04 08"
 $”08 00 F8 08 08 00 00 08 08 04 00 08 08 0A 00 08"
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 $”09 FF F0 08 08 00 00 08 08 00 00 08 0F FF FF F8",
 /* [2] */
 $”0F FF FE 00 0F FF FF 00 0F FF FF 80 0F FF FF C0"
 $”0F FF FF E0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"

resource ‘ICN#’ (1001) {
 { /* array: 2 elements */
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 $”0F FF FC 00 08 00 06 00 08 00 05 00 08 00 04 80"
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 $”08 FC 00 10 08 00 00 10 08 3F E0 10 08 00 00 10"
 $”08 07 FE 10 08 00 00 10 08 00 00 10 0F FF FF F0",
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 $”0F FF FC 00 0F FF FE 00 0F FF FF 00 0F FF FF 80"
 $”0F FF FF C0 0F FF FF E0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"
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 $”0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"
 $”0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"
 $”0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"
 $”0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"
 $”0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F0"

resource ‘ICN#’ (1000) {
 { /* array: 2 elements */
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 $”09 10 00 08 09 10 00 08 08 E0 00 08 09 F0 00 08"
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 $”09 F8 0B E8 08 D0 3F E8 08 F0 FF E8 08 70 3F E8"
 $”08 19 FF E8 08 00 00 08 08 00 00 08 0F FF FF F8",
 /* [2] */
 $”0F FF FE 00 0F FF FF 00 0F FF FF 80 0F FF FF C0"
 $”0F FF FF E0 0F FF FF F0 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"
 $”0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8 0F FF FF F8"


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If you can find it and fit through the d...
The holy trinity of amazing company names have come together, to release their equally amazing and adorable mobile game, Hamster Inn. Published by HyperBeard Games, and co-developed by Mum Not Proud and Little Sasquatch Studios, it's time to... | Read more »
Amikin Survival opens for pre-orders on...
Join me on the wonderful trip down the inspiration rabbit hole; much as Palworld seemingly “borrowed” many aspects from the hit Pokemon franchise, it is time for the heavily armed animal survival to also spawn some illegitimate children as Helio... | Read more »
PUBG Mobile teams up with global phenome...
Since launching in 2019, SpyxFamily has exploded to damn near catastrophic popularity, so it was only a matter of time before a mobile game snapped up a collaboration. Enter PUBG Mobile. Until May 12th, players will be able to collect a host of... | Read more »
Embark into the frozen tundra of certain...
Chucklefish, developers of hit action-adventure sandbox game Starbound and owner of one of the cutest logos in gaming, has released their roguelike deck-builder Wildfrost. Created alongside developers Gaziter and Deadpan Games, Wildfrost will... | Read more »
MoreFun Studios has announced Season 4,...
Tension has escalated in the ever-volatile world of Arena Breakout, as your old pal Randall Fisher and bosses Fred and Perrero continue to lob insults and explosives at each other, bringing us to a new phase of warfare. Season 4, Into The Fog of... | Read more »
Top Mobile Game Discounts
Every day, we pick out a curated list of the best mobile discounts on the App Store and post them here. This list won't be comprehensive, but it every game on it is recommended. Feel free to check out the coverage we did on them in the links below... | Read more »
Marvel Future Fight celebrates nine year...
Announced alongside an advertising image I can only assume was aimed squarely at myself with the prominent Deadpool and Odin featured on it, Netmarble has revealed their celebrations for the 9th anniversary of Marvel Future Fight. The Countdown... | Read more »
HoYoFair 2024 prepares to showcase over...
To say Genshin Impact took the world by storm when it was released would be an understatement. However, I think the most surprising part of the launch was just how much further it went than gaming. There have been concerts, art shows, massive... | Read more »
Explore some of BBCs' most iconic s...
Despite your personal opinion on the BBC at a managerial level, it is undeniable that it has overseen some fantastic British shows in the past, and now thanks to a partnership with Roblox, players will be able to interact with some of these... | Read more »
Play Together teams up with Sanrio to br...
I was quite surprised to learn that the massive social network game Play Together had never collaborated with the globally popular Sanrio IP, it seems like the perfect team. Well, this glaring omission has now been rectified, as that instantly... | Read more »

Price Scanner via

B&H has 13-inch M2 MacBook Airs with 16GB...
B&H Photo has 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs, 16GB of memory, and 256GB of storage in stock and on sale for $1099, $100 off Apple’s MSRP for this configuration. Free 1-2 day delivery is available... Read more
14-inch M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM avail...
Apple has the 14″ M3 MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage, Certified Refurbished, available for $300 off MSRP. Each MacBook Pro features a new outer case, shipping is free, and an Apple 1-... Read more
Apple M2 Mac minis on sale for up to $150 off...
Amazon has Apple’s M2-powered Mac minis in stock and on sale for $100-$150 off MSRP, each including free delivery: – Mac mini M2/256GB SSD: $499, save $100 – Mac mini M2/512GB SSD: $699, save $100 –... Read more
Amazon is offering a $200 discount on 14-inch...
Amazon has 14-inch M3 MacBook Pros in stock and on sale for $200 off MSRP. Shipping is free. Note that Amazon’s stock tends to come and go: – 14″ M3 MacBook Pro (8GB RAM/512GB SSD): $1399.99, $200... Read more
Sunday Sale: 13-inch M3 MacBook Air for $999,...
Several Apple retailers have the new 13″ MacBook Air with an M3 CPU in stock and on sale today for only $999 in Midnight. These are the lowest prices currently available for new 13″ M3 MacBook Airs... Read more
Multiple Apple retailers are offering 13-inch...
Several Apple retailers have 13″ MacBook Airs with M2 CPUs in stock and on sale this weekend starting at only $849 in Space Gray, Silver, Starlight, and Midnight colors. These are the lowest prices... Read more
Roundup of Verizon’s April Apple iPhone Promo...
Verizon is offering a number of iPhone deals for the month of April. Switch, and open a new of service, and you can qualify for a free iPhone 15 or heavy monthly discounts on other models: – 128GB... Read more
B&H has 16-inch MacBook Pros on sale for...
Apple 16″ MacBook Pros with M3 Pro and M3 Max CPUs are in stock and on sale today for $200-$300 off MSRP at B&H Photo. Their prices are among the lowest currently available for these models. B... Read more
Updated Mac Desktop Price Trackers
Our Apple award-winning Mac desktop price trackers are the best place to look for the lowest prices and latest sales on all the latest computers. Scan our price trackers for the latest information on... Read more
9th-generation iPads on sale for $80 off MSRP...
Best Buy has Apple’s 9th generation 10.2″ WiFi iPads on sale for $80 off MSRP on their online store for a limited time. Prices start at only $249. Sale prices for online orders only, in-store prices... Read more

Jobs Board

Medical Assistant - Orthopedics *Apple* Hil...
Medical Assistant - Orthopedics Apple Hill York Location: WellSpan Medical Group, York, PA Schedule: Full Time Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Apply Now Read more
*Apple* Systems Administrator - JAMF - Activ...
…**Public Trust/Other Required:** None **Job Family:** Systems Administration **Skills:** Apple Platforms,Computer Servers,Jamf Pro **Experience:** 3 + years of Read more
Liquor Stock Clerk - S. *Apple* St. - Idaho...
Liquor Stock Clerk - S. Apple St. Boise Posting Begin Date: 2023/10/10 Posting End Date: 2024/10/14 Category: Retail Sub Category: Customer Service Work Type: Part Read more
Top Secret *Apple* System Admin - Insight G...
Job Description Day to Day: * Configure and maintain the client's Apple Device Management (ADM) solution. The current solution is JAMF supporting 250-500 end points, Read more
Sonographer - *Apple* Hill Imaging Center -...
Sonographer - Apple Hill Imaging Center - Evenings Location: York Hospital, York, PA Schedule: Full Time Sign-On Bonus Eligible Remote/Hybrid Regular Apply Now Read more
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